
Friday, August 17, 2012

Marina reserved

Today was a pretty good day. I drove up a little over an hour to Grand Rivers, KY and talked with a nice lady, Carol at Green Turtle Bay Marina. I talked with her about getting a slip for Rhapsody. I made reservations to start Oct 1st. I also talked with a guy, Gary, at the local boat yard about getting bottom paint. They can also setup the mast and move Rhapsody to the slip once it's ready too. Now, I actually have a date that's a little closer to getting into the water.

I think I'll have a day off that weekend of Oct 1st that I'll be able to move the boat up. I was told they would take it off of the trailer and put up on blocks to do the work. Gary said the job isn't very big for them so it shouldn't take too long to do. He also said he can order some handles for the seacocks since a few of them have gone soft.

In the meantime, Carol said she will work up a contract, mail it to me to sign and return in the next couple weeks.

I'm really looking forward to getting on the water. Even though today is cloudy, it's still a nice cool day in the low 70's. It's a nice and quiet place to relax. I'm sure Rhapsody will do well there.

Here's a video of the marina. The pier I was standing near is where I made the reservations and on the resorts map found here, it is labled "Jetty 3".

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