
Saturday, May 6, 2017

Fuel Tank - Edge Cleanup

Guess, now I revealed the big project in the last post, I'll try doing some regular updates. Here's yesterday's work on a nice cool rainy day.

Around the edges of the top of the fuel tank, there was a few gaps. It didn't lead into the tank, just some of the layers I added once the top was set in place, didn't lay down or it was just a bit thick. I mixed up some resin, added a lot of Colloidal Sillica to thicken it up. It was a paste consistency, but not quite peanut butter thick. I put it in a gallon size Ziploc bag then cut the corner. Using it like an icing bag, I filled in some of the gaps. Still have some, but for this batch I mixed up, it was plenty to work with for now. I'll continue next visit. Since it's taking time to set, I used a stick with a rounded end to smooth out the resin, which should help keep me from having to do any additional sanding.

This last picture shows the forward part of the tank on the port side. There was a big gap due to the foam and thickened resin that was there from the original build. I was able to fill most of that gap. Having the ziploc bag really helped control the resin into the gap due to this space being under part of the cabin floor. I will still have a little more to add next time in that same spot, and continue toward the front of the tank, perhaps along the edges down into the bilge with a nice rounded fillet to finish it off.

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