
Thursday, September 29, 2016

Damaged Wind Vane

Got a call while at work today. A tree nearby fell and took out my Monitor Wind Vane. After work, I went to the marina to check things out. Luckily the vane kept the rudder from getting damaged. I looked around the boat and didn't notice any damage but will see if I can get another look at it on Sunday when I visit again.

You can check out this video to see how things look.

So, fixing this will be another project added to my list.

First view when I showed up to the marina

damaged wood and lifted mounts

Just missed the next boat over and the tented boat


  1. Dan, I am sorry about the damage but at least the boat was missed.
    I hate to try and benefit from your misfortune but I need some parts for a Monitor. Once the dust settles, if you'd like to sell the damaged unit please let know.
    thank you

  2. Wow, sorry to hear about this Dan. Whose tree was it? Shouldn't they be responsible for costs to repair?


    1. submitted a claim to my insurance company so going to see what comes out of it.

  3. We've had similar tree damage occur on the hard at our Club. Very risky business when these things occur. Our club does not hold insurance as individual owners are responsible to have or not have insurance as they wish. I do carry Boat US but mainly for liability. My vessel is so old it makes little sense to insure her for this kind of unfortunate occurrence. Hope it works out well for you either way. Quite frustrating I'm sure.
